Kawasaki Skyfront i-Newsletter

Kawasaki Skyfront i-Newsletter

News and Events


The KingSkyFront Networking Council is established

On 6 February 2018 the King Sky Front Networking Council was established to improve the value of the Tonomachi International Strategic Hub by industry-academia-government collaboration.

- At the inaugural meeting, resolutions such as the establishing rules, promotion systems for officers, and three committees (General Affairs Planning Committee, Exchange Collaboration Subcommittee, Cluster Promotion Function Review Subcommittee), were passed.

In the future, plans include promoting the "face-to-face relationship" between researchers and employees, work on area management, promoting attractive urban development, and revitalizing research and business activities.

Ryota Nomura, President, Central Institute for Experimental Animals

Members as of 6 February 2018
46 organization (31 companies, 8 research institutes, 2 universities, 2 local authorities, and 3 other institutes.

- Promote networking and cooperation inside and outside the region
- Solve regional issues
- Stimulate research and business activities

The inaugural meeting of the The KingSkyFront Networking Council